Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry

Restoring Your Smile to its Full Potential

The care you need to reach your healthiest smile

A healthy smile is about more than having beautiful teeth. Missing or damaged teeth can lead to eating and chewing discomfort, affect the clarity of your speech, and make you feel self-conscious while engaging with others. Luckily, restorative dentistry can address everything from small fillings to full mouth reconstructions to get your oral health back on track and allow you to enjoy your favorite activities again without hesitation.

At Sensational Smiles, our dentists have extensive experience in restorative treatments and stay up to date on the latest techniques. This means that no matter what kind of treatment you need, you won’t have to leave the dedicated team you’ve come to love. We’re equipped and ready to help you achieve your healthiest smile.

Restorations for a confident smile

Dental Fillings

Having a properly functioning smile is important for your overall health and well-being. At Sensational Smiles, we offer a range of restorative treatments, including tooth-colored fillings, that really give our patients a reason to smile. Also known as composite fillings, these match your existing smile for a natural look.

Female patient
Dr. Berdahl with patient in exam room

Restoring strength and function

Dental Crowns

If you have a severely damaged tooth, your dentist may suggest a dental crown. Crowns help preserve the tooth and restore its strength and function so you can enjoy a healthy smile. Dental crowns offer a durable and long-lasting solution that will help you to prevent further damage.

With our state-of-the-art CEREC technology, Sensational Smiles can custom-create and place your new dental crown in just one visit. Porcelain, gold, and other materials are also available for patients upon request. However, these will take two appointments to create and place. When preparing your tooth for a dental crown, we’ll use our DentalVibe for maximum comfort. Our team is here to ensure every dental appointment is a positive experience.

Restorative dental services at Sensational Smiles help you:




Long-lasting tooth-replacement solutions

Dental Bridges

Do you have one or more missing teeth that you need to replace? With dental bridges, you can replace missing teeth and restore your smile’s natural appearance and functionality at the same time. Sensational Smiles offers high-quality, custom-made dental bridges that can last 10 years or more with proper care.

A dental bridge consists of one or more artificial teeth, also called pontics. Dental crowns over the neighboring teeth hold these pontics in place to fill the space. Our skilled team will design your bridge to match the color and shape of your existing teeth for a completely natural-looking smile.

male patient

Improve your smile and quality of life

Partial and Full Dentures

If you have missing teeth, it’s important to replace them. Your teeth are not just useful for smiling; they play an important role in everyday life. They assist with chewing and speaking, help maintain your jawbone density, and support your facial structure. At Sensational Smiles, we offer both partial and full dentures to replace your missing teeth. Partial dentures are designed to replace multiple missing teeth while preserving your remaining natural teeth. They are custom-made to fit securely and comfortably. If you have no healthy teeth remaining, you will need full dentures as they give you a complete set of teeth, enabling you to enjoy a renewed smile and optimal oral function.

hands holding model with dentures

Securely anchored dentures for improved comfort

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are an innovative option that eliminates challenges often experienced by patients with traditional dentures. These dentures anchor onto surgically placed titanium dental implants. This means the dentures will not move or shift when you eat and speak and will not rub sore spots on the gums. Implant-supported dentures are the next best thing to having your natural teeth.

Whether you are considering hybrid dentures, implant-retained dentures, or leave-in dentures, we will work closely with you to determine the best option to suit your unique needs.

Achieve optimal results and complete your smile

Dental Implants

Dental implants permanently replace missing teeth. The implant process involves the surgical placement of tiny titanium posts into the jawbone, which we can perform right in our Minnesota Avenue office. These integrate with the bone over time to effectively replace the roots of your missing teeth. Dental implants provide a stable foundation for the final restorations, typically dental crowns. They are a great solution whether you have just one missing tooth or multiple missing teeth.

A tailored approach to restoring your smile

Full Mouth Reconstruction

A full mouth reconstruction is a tailored approach to restoring your smile. Your dentist will create a comprehensive treatment plan to address your specific needs and concerns. This may include orthodontic treatment (for example, Invisalign or braces), dental crowns, implants, and other options. Restoring your oral health and function is the first priority of any restorative work. A full mouth reconstruction is ideal for patients who have many oral health concerns or complex dental issues. In addition to its restorative benefits, a full mouth reconstruction improves the overall look of your smile. Having a beautiful new smile can be an amazing confidence booster and vastly improve your quality of life.

Questions about

Restorative Dentistry

Your crowns should last anywhere from 5 to 8 years. However, with good oral hygiene and supervision, most crowns will last for a much longer period of time. Some damaging habits like grinding your teeth, chewing ice or fingernail biting may cause this period of time to decrease significantly.

Properly positioned teeth are easier to brush and floss. Therefore with consistent good oral hygiene the chance of having plaque retention, tooth decay and periodontal disease can be reduced when teeth are straight.

Are you looking for a

restorative dentist in Sioux Falls?

It’s time to regain your confidence and achieve a smile you love. Contact Sensational Smiles today to book an evaluation.


I have relocated many times and have had to find new dental offices along the way. Sensational Smiles is by far the best! The entire staff puts you first!